Friday, June 22, 2007


AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm scared. Yes i am. Sometimes I'm fine but at night when i'm thinking about leaving for 5 days I get scared. Those of u who are going, HELP ME!!!, for those of u who aren't, PRAY FOR ME!!!

Good news: I get to watch the Waynes new kitten for 2 weeks!!! I'll have a little kitten to look forward to all week!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Do YOU know the answer?

Five boys took part in a fitness test. Tony scored higher than Sam, who didn't have the lowest score. Jack had the highest score and Gerry scored more than Paul but less than Tony. Who had the lowest score?

I am. ARE YOU???

Are you smarter than a monkey?

You scored 100%, which means that you're 62% smarter than a monkey!
'Are you smarter than a monkey?' at