Friday, December 22, 2006

How unfair, how depressing, how maddening it is for your good friend to be accepted just like that. But still you and so many other people aren't accepted... yet still being left out, still being forgotten, still being the "odd" one out.


Anonymous said...

That is sad. But maybe it was just an oversight. Maybe folks can be more conscious of including others, making sure that no one in the group is left out.

Julia said...

dad comment on my site too.

Julia said...

wow good writing thing...

Cherise said...

That is sad... but it is a fact of life. People are sometimes rude and often unfair in who they accept. The trick is to not let your worth come from what other people think. It still hurts to be "left out", but remember that Jesus Himself was often "left out" of the "cool" crowd.