Friday, August 31, 2007

Gone again

I'm going camping!! Woot woot! I haven't been camping in two years!!!! We usually went at least once a year but then things kept happening so we didn't go. So I'm really excited to be going camping again!! Cherise, Julia, Dad, Mom, Alina, Jeremiah, Jesse, Mrs. Penny, Mr. Bob, Mr. Millard, Mrs. Kathy, Joanna, and her cousin are going, too. My mom, Mrs. Penny and Mrs. Kathy are going to finish the MD part of the Appellation trail while everyone else goes swimming, play games and do stuff together. It should be very fun. My family will probably leave in about 20 min. We'll all get back on Monday sometime. Pray it will be fun and no one will get hurt. Bye!!

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